I’m still having trouble coming up with some profound insights about how I am growing and changing as a person doing this 30 day challenge.  The only insight that I can come up with right now is that I’m not very self-aware and don’t really have any insights.

My only insights in class yesterday were, “Holy crap I’m hot” and “Why am I the only one in here who seems to be struggling with the heat?” and “I wonder if anyone would notice if I took my pants off?”  (Just kidding about that last one.)

I may have the least quiet mind in the world.  Do people really lie down during savasana and not think about anything?  I mean I know it is the whole goal to let go of the outside world during practice, and I can do that when I’m struggling to maintain my balance or touch my toes, but just lying there?  Off I go…  “What’s for dinner?”…”Who still has homework to do?”….”Do I have another conference call tonight?”…”What needs to be done when I get home?…baths for kids?…laundry?…”  On and on it goes as Sojun talks about maintaining stillness.

So….working on day 5 of the 30 day challenge and waiting for the promised stillness.

Serenity Now!