Serenity Now!!!

I’m still having trouble coming up with some profound insights about how I am growing and changing as a person doing this 30 day challenge.  The only insight that I can come up with right now is that I’m not very self-aware and don’t really have any insights.

My only insights in class yesterday were, “Holy crap I’m hot” and “Why am I the only one in here who seems to be struggling with the heat?” and “I wonder if anyone would notice if I took my pants off?”  (Just kidding about that last one.)

I may have the least quiet mind in the world.  Do people really lie down during savasana and not think about anything?  I mean I know it is the whole goal to let go of the outside world during practice, and I can do that when I’m struggling to maintain my balance or touch my toes, but just lying there?  Off I go…  “What’s for dinner?”…”Who still has homework to do?”….”Do I have another conference call tonight?”…”What needs to be done when I get home?…baths for kids?…laundry?…”  On and on it goes as Sojun talks about maintaining stillness.

So….working on day 5 of the 30 day challenge and waiting for the promised stillness.

Serenity Now!

I Got 99 29 Problems…

I was going to post this yesterday because technically today I only have 28 more days to go on the challenge.  Anyway…the first two days are done.  Yesterday I went to the 9am class which seemed to work out well enough…except I kept falling out of all the balance poses, but that really isn’t anything new.

I was planning on going this morning at 6am, but Lisey spent the night puking on everything and everyone, so I wasn’t well rested enough to go, and I wasn’t going to sneak out at 6 am leaving Lisa with everything.  So, today I’ll go to the 6pm class.

Sorry, no profound insights yet, I’ve been doing Moksha yoga for almost a year now and I’ve gone 2 days in a row before.

“Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.” ― Mark Twain

Today was the first day of the 30 day Moksha yoga challenge that my dear wife coerced me into doing. So, I’m starting up the blog again so I have a place to whine about it…
I went to the 8am class this morning. A 90 minute class and anyone who knows me knows I’m not at my best in the morning.
The hardest part of this challenge for me will be to drag myself out of bed for the occasional 6am class.
The hardest part for Lisa will be to take care of the kids while I’m off trying to get into shape.

OK, so that is the glass half empty post. I’ll try and keep it positive from now forward. Who knows how it will go.

Should I post before and after pictures?  Nah, no one wants to see that.